ADAPT #12 - curiosity over creativity

By Gus Balbontin


Half-formed thought here, but sharing to maybe spark some new thinking.

Would love to hear your thoughts!! (reply to this email!!)

I started pondering upon creativity and curiosity, and why is it that I always choose the word curiosity over creativity?

With my kids especially I celebrate their curiosity way more than their creativity.

I think this is why…..

I often hear people say “I am not very creative”.

I think this statement is born from fear…

The fear of failing or making a mistake or sounding stupid forces us to avoid being creative and so we pick the path of least resistance… stick to what you know.

Or maybe unfortunately a teacher at some stage in your early life said “you are not creative” or “you are left-brained” or something like that and you believed it.

Creativity is loaded, comes with expectations.

There is an outcome that somehow needs to be surprising and “better than…”

It needs to meet some sort of unspoken benchmark.


I’ve never heard anyone say “I am not very curious”

I think it’s because we are instinctively born curious and we know it…
it’s hard to judge someone’s curiosity, right?

We discover the world through wonder and learn about it through failure.

As we grow older we tend to bottle that curiosity and keep it inside, still happening, but normally we don’t verbalise it cos we are scared of asking stupid questions or pointing out what may seem obvious.

Don’t keep the curiosity bouncing around your own head!

Let your curiosity be free!!!!

Unlike creativity, there are no expectations - you can be curious and the outcome is just that, being curious.


Stop for a second to look around and ask questions - why? what? how?

Use statements like… What would happen if? I wonder how?

Be as curious as you can as often as you can… it’s free, it’s fun, it’s infectious, it’s energising.



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My recommendations:

Not often do I get the time to do podcasts! So here!

The crew at Little Fish Podcast were epic and made it for a super relaxed free flowing chat about life, success, career, and more - have a listen!

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