ADAPT #16 - Have You Ever Fully Owned Your Career?

By Gus Balbontin

Holy shit!!

2023 is almost over and I am still trying to get my head around it!

Where did it go?

I think it is fair to say that the end of anything, including a calendar year, it’s a good time to reflect.

To look back and make sense of what happened.

It’s always good to spare some time to reflect.

Today‘s provocation is going to focus on your career.

In any given year, we spend more than a 1/3 of our awake hours working.

Like I say in my keynotes, more often than not, we are owned by the system rather than in charge of the system we created in the first place.

The funny thing with careers is that from a very early age, we outsource it and become passengers instead of conductors.

We sporadically jump in the driver's seat when we are forced to, but otherwise, we kinda let it happen to us rather than us happen to it.

If it’s not our parents who tell us what to study, it is a career advisor, a teacher, a lecturer, a coach or HR.

Think about it, there isn’t a subject at school or uni called “career” where someone helps you think about the whole thing and the number of things you could and should be doing instead of focusing on a specific “job” or “degree”.

If you have a single source of income, and that income is dependent on market conditions, customer behaviour, regulation that you have little control over, have you distributed your risk enough?

Are you doing what you love? Are you having fun? Are you working with awesome people? Are you pulling the future towards you or waiting for it to hit you in the face?

Have you ever fully owned your career or have you outsourced it even partially to someone else?

Your challenge in the coming weeks is to look back at the last year or two, look forward at the next year or two - perhaps more - and make some decisions.

Take control of your career and point it in the direction of your goals.

Make it work for you rather than you working for it.

Have you ever fully owned your career?

Maybe at the start of 2024 I should do a little program with a few of you and help you think about your careers.

Give you my tricks and tips on how I distribute risk and spread income sources.

Actually yeah, let’s do this, tell me if you are interested, and maybe I run a short 2 weeks something something provocation to help you design the next 10 years starting with your first step in 2024.

Shouldn’t matter if you’re starting your career, or if you are halfway through it.

If you have big plans for your next move or if you work for yourself or someone else or if you are happy with your current role or business….

Thinking about your career and owning it is the key.

If you’re interested in being part of the program hit REPLY to this email saying “CAREER OWNERSHIP” and I’ll let you know soon!

Anyway! Lots of love



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