ADAPT #19 - portfolio of activity

By Gus Balbontin

Hey everyone!!!

So the last email (here) was about general life goal setting!

Summer vibes - goal setting vibes with my pretty wife ❤️

In this one, I want to provoke you by taking the opportunity to focus your mind on something super obvious perhaps, but nonetheless critical.

We spend a large chunk of our lives at work, therefore, if work doesn’t cooperate or is not aligned with your life goals, the tension will build up and something eventually will give.

Sadly, more often than not it is your happiness that suffers.

That’s why I am obsessed with careers and work and how it all unfolds.

Your work/life balance should be simply “life balance”…all of it pointing towards your desires, wishes and happiness.

The amount of time we spend at work is so significant that it can’t simply be separated.

It shouldn’t be: “50% of my week I do that shit thing over there I call work and then I do life with the other 50%” haha!

This often happens because, as I have mentioned many times before, we start outsourcing this really important part of our lives we call work/career to others from a very young age.

Eventually, we hand it over to HR as if they were responsible for our next job, or learning and development.


Now, I would be lying to you if I said: “Here’s the do it as I do it cos it’s perfect and I managed to solve this puzzle successfully!”

I am just like everyone else, often challenged by doing what I have to do vs. doing what I want to do vs. not even knowing what the hell I actually want to do vs. doubting if I am even doing what I think I want to do vs….hahaha it’s endless sometimes.

But, in the spirit of challenging and provoking you, I want to share and explain in detail how I approach it in the hope that it helps you discover your own version.

I do have perhaps a slightly unorthodox way of going about it!

Since leaving corporate life I have managed to turn my career into a portfolio of activity rather than a sequence of jobs.

Here are some examples:

  • I pay a lot of attention to the intersection between interests and trends - I then build a solid portfolio of activity across both to ensure the chances of making the unlikely connections naturally emerge.

  • I try to be more deliberate and conscious of my network, ensuring that what I can give is clearer than what I may or may not get back.

  • I use investment thinking to deploy time (instead of capital), reduce risk, increase opportunity, and give myself the best odds of success.

Lots of you expressed interest in “owning your career” last year as the holidays were approaching.

In response, I pencilled in some time in Feb/March to run a program to show you how I create and “own my portfolio career”.

I had way too many of you asking me what the freak am I talking about and to give more detail…. soooooo instead of answering everyone individually, how about this:

To give you all a taste of what the program will include and feel like… I’m going to do a few FREE “career ownership” get-togethers.

That way those who are curious and keen to learn more can come to have a chat with me (a million times easier than trying to explain it in writing).

Then, those who love it and feel like they wanna keep going can join the program and let me be your coach for a few weeks!
I’ll pump you up with some of my energy 💥!

The first career chat is open to EVERYONE, 7th February 8.30 AM AEDT for 1 hr.
Come by, let’s chat career tips, tricks, desires, challenges, opportunities and more.




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