ADAPT #2 - Build Your Career Spectrum

By Gus Balbontin


Thanks to everyone who joined and the few who unsubscribed (the last thing I want is to send you something you don't need or want! ha! I hate it too).

Anyway, look at me sticking to my small simple now and doing my second newsletter! And as promised, the most amount of value in the least amount of characters!

So newsletter #2 is here.
Read time: 4 min 18 sec

Next week we’re adding an “Ask Me Anything” section.
Please send me topics, problems, challenges you are facing at work (startup or corporate), opportunities you think we all need to think about and I will weave them into my newsletters!

Let´s go!

Today at a Glance:

  • Awe: intelligence is substrate-independent

  • Deal Flow: why you should care about nuclear

  • Action: pull your future towards you

  • Personal: my son’s puzzle that left me thinking for days

  • Treat: one of my all-time favourite books


Still reading Life 3.0 by Max Stagmark. I came across something incredibly profound - intelligence is “substrate-independent” - which means intelligence can occur in any matter as soon as it can be arranged in building blocks that can enable computation (silicon chips, neurons or else!).
Think about it this way, a wave can occur in water, in air, in a hose or in a group of people in a stadium.
As Max says “Computation (intelligence) is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it’s not the particles but the patterns that really matter. Matter doesn’t matter.

Why am I telling you this? Well, because AI (artificial intelligence) can actually be your intelligence just on a different substrate. Eventually, you will be able to upload yourself to the internet and exist outside the domain of your brain allowing you to beam yourself across the universe! 🤯


If I say “nuclear” your mind is likely to go directly to an OAKLEY ad from back in the 90s, or a Greenpeace campaign or the Chernobyl disaster.
Truth is that you exist because a star through nuclear fusion made the elements that make you.
Nuclear fusion could perhaps be the solution if we figure out a way.
[Chernobyl was nuclear fission: you break heavy particles and are left with energy and unstable particles (radioactive material). Fission on the other hand is putting particles together to end up with energy and a heavier stable particle.]

Image from

We came across this amazing team a while back and have been following their amazing journey. I am sooooo hoping they can crack the code of fusion, I hope they can do it soon and I hope they can do it competitively and that public opinion realises that we need all these solutions to get out of the pickle we are in. Check them out and go explore fusion - neat website too! 


Do yourself a favour and start building your Career Spectrum.
Today’s Jump is tomorrow’s BAU.
Therefore, you need to start pulling the future towards you, rather than sitting back and waiting for it to hit you in the face.

Here is my model and this is how you apply it:

  • BAU is your current job, whatever you are doing right now, the way you pay the bills.

  • HOP are the activities you are doing to improve your current job. Self-improvement.

  • STEP are activities that look more like side hustles, they may be related to your current role or they may well be completely different

  • JUMP is the crazy stuff, the novelty you are playing with because in 10 years time this will become your reality.

Share it with your partner, your friend, with me!
Don’t outsource your career to HR…you need to happen to your career not the other way around!


My son invented this puzzle today which was cool!

Read carefully and slowly.

You have the chance to:

  • Go back ~6 million years to the birth of Hominins (kinda humans)

  • Go back armed with all the current human knowledge (however you need to carry it)

  • You take none of your memories and your family keeps no memories of you (so they won't mourn you and you won't miss them) BUT - when you make the decision you DO know what’s up!)

  • You have to go alone

  • You are immortal for the 6 million years until you arrive back to today and you will be mortal again and live the rest of your life.

  • Like Back to the Future your influence in the past changes the future but UNLIKE Back to the Future the only thing that doesn't change is that you will get back whoever your loved ones are (kids, family, friends) and carry on as a mortal.

Would you go? how do you imagine influencing humanity?
Reply to this email and let me know!
I’ll share the best answers on my Instagram (anonymously don’t worry!)


Treat yourself to “The Little Prince”.

If you have read it, read it again.

If you haven’t, do it.

It is perhaps one of the greatest books ever written.
One that as a kid it makes total sense, and as an adult, it makes total sense for completely different reasons.
In fact, I have read this book regularly since I was a kid and every time I read it a new layer of depth and questioning emerges.

Please share your favourite quote or passage with me. Trust me you won’t regret it.

“Grown-ups love figures… When you tell them you've made a new friend they never ask you any questions about essential matters.”

The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“What is essential is invisible to the eyes.”

The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

My recommendations:

Of course the first one I am going to recommend is my amazing team…do you or someone you know need help?

The amazing crew at will help you create an UNSTOPPABLE organisation.

NEU combines creativity, innovation, and insight to create cultures that can’t be ignored.

To have impact.

To build the future.

And to make work more fun!

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