ADAPT #20 - learn a new skill in 2024

By Gus Balbontin


Back to normal structure this week! Just to keep you guessing ;-)

Oh! And this is our 20th newsletter WOO-HOO!!

Let´s go


  • Awe: the gap between young women and men

  • Deal Flow: the problem of solar farms

  • Action: what new skill will you learn in 2024?

  • Personal: that was a really close call

  • Tennis: technology and stats in tennis

Read time: 3 min 20 sec


Not sure if “Awe” is right for this one, maybe it’s “Concern/Interest” - definitely something worth talking with your kids about.

Key points are:
Research suggests that there is a widening gap in ideology between young women and men in countries like the USA, Germany, UK and especially in South Korea where marriages and births are literally in sharp decline. 

Young women are becoming more liberal and forward-thinking and young men are pulling back, becoming more conservative.

The gap is widening.

Two theories (and I am sure more to come) as to the reason:

One is that the #metoo movement created an opposite reaction in young men.

The other one is that these groups spend most of their time in echo chambers of their own thinking, inside social media algorithm driven walls.

They listen to their own specific leaders and talk to their own specific kind instead of mixing and mingling.

Have a read, have a chat!

Note: FT has a paywall, but if you create a free account (super simple) you get a handful of free articles a month… probably worth having for those few articles that pop up worth reading)


Solar farms are going to continue to increase in the coming decades to deal with the demand for green energy we have.

Turns out that when you set up a farm you need a lot of cabling and poles on the ground and motors that rotate the panels and so on - this means skilled labour in the most remote of places.

This is a problem not just in Australia but in many parts of the world.

5B- Aussie company - has come up with a way to pre-assemble panels at the factory and deploy them fast and cheap in an accordion fold style!

It’s epic. 


Do a course or something this year.

I did my advanced scuba diving certificate and will do my AICD directors course.

Which ones are you doing? Maybe a barista course? Maybe glass blowing? Maybe plant grafting?

Learn a new skill in 2024!
Why not?

Getting my Advanced scuba diving certificate - WOOHOO!


You won’t believe this.

My daughter this summer, while she was at the beach on her own waiting for us to pick her up… found in the rock pools a tiny octopus, picked it up, and as its rings started turning blue she realised this was not a normal octopus!

She then calls and says “I just had a blue-ringed octopus (extremely venomous) in my hands”.

My pretty wife and I asked: “For how long? Did you play with it?”

We couldn’t believe it!

She has known about the dangers and has been a beach bum since she was little!

She has even dived at night with me and seen them in all their glory.

But that lack of prefrontal cortex is seriously dangerous in teenagers. 

I guess she is my daughter after all - I pick up and check everything I find! 


I don’t know if I ever told you this, but for several years I worked with Tennis Australia at the Australian Open.

So if I am in town I always visit friends and one way or another get to watch some games and soak up the atmosphere. 

If you have never been you should go, even if you don’t like tennis. It's an incredible event. 

Some behind the scenes insights. 

Here are some things advancing tech is now allowing them to do:

  • Measure the bounce and fluffiness of the ball, not physically but through cameras and algorithms.

  • Measure the accuracy of the ball toss - for example, Sabalenka in her semis tossed the ball with an accuracy of 0.12cm - that is precision at another level!

  • Measure things like the number of times a player takes off and jumps which translates into leg load and power.

It’s insane the statistics coaches and players can get these days and how much you can do with 8 or 16 cameras around a court.

Next time you watch a match, know that the coaches in the box have an iPad with access to all this info live!

Makes the game a lot more than just hitting a ball around!

AO 2024, photo by me (see the breathtaking sky?!)

Okay! That’s it for today.

Remember, if you want to have a chat about your career with me and how you go about it join me HERE in our FREE “Career Ownership” get-together next Wednesday 7th February 8.30 AM AEDT for 1 hr.

See you next week!



My recommendations:

Hey! Today I’ll use this space to promote a program I’m really excited about.

Last year we made a brief announcement for a Career Ownership Workshop and the amount of interest was overwhelming! Thank you all for trusting me 🙏 

The Career Ownership Workshop is a cohort-based program that my team and I designed for anyone who wants to take control and ownership over their career. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting, or if you are halfway through it.

Lots of you expressed interest in “owning your career”, in response, I pencilled in some time in Feb/March to run a program to show you how I create and “own my portfolio career”.

I had way too many of you asking me what the freak am I talking about and to give more detail…. soooooo instead of answering everyone individually, how about this:

To give you all a taste of what the program will include and feel like… I’m going to do a FREE “Career Ownership” get-together.

That way those who are curious and keen to learn more can come to have a chat with me (a million times easier than trying to explain it in writing).

Then, those who love it and feel like they wanna keep going can join the program and let me be your coach for a few weeks!
I’ll pump you up with some of my energy 💥!

The first career chat is open to EVERYONE, Wednesday 7th February 8.30 AM AEDT for 1 hr.
Come by, let’s chat career tips, tricks, desires, challenges, opportunities and more.

Share it with anyone you want! And please help us spread the word!

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