ADAPT #21 - time to make some space in your life

By Gus Balbontin


Let´s go straight into it!


  • Awe: there’s no question about this

  • Deal Flow: opportunities in Climate Action

  • Action: print your Portfolio Career Template and work on your future

  • Personal: I ate my dog food!

  • Throw Away: it’s time to make some space

Read time: 2 min 13 sec


You hear me talk a lot about AI at the moment, and I have explained before that while we have already achieved narrow artificial intelligence (ChatGPT and many others) we have not yet achieved General Artificial Intelligence or Superintelligence.

I am currently reading Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence (brilliant, a bit heavy) and a simple argument, which was articulated in 1976, blew my mind!

There is NO question we will reach General Artificial Intelligence because, nature’s blind evolutionary process, has already achieved it (us).

So, if we guide it we should be able to do it much quicker.

The proof is in the pudding, in less than 100 years we have reached a place already further than we ever imagined.


Ok, so more and more EVs (electrical vehicles)…

Inevitably means more and more lithium-ion batteries…

And annoyingly, when they drop below 80% recharge capacity, they are no good for cars…

So more and more waste…

BUT, the batteries are still good for storage!

Soooo companies like this one: and this one grab them, wire them up, put them in a container and sell them to industry for solar storage! Clever!

I love how many opportunities continue to pop up in anything relating to climate action.

So many problems worth solving!


So this week I did my Portfolio Career get-together and I asked everyone who turned up to print my Portfolio Career Template model (download for free here), fold it and carry it around for a month, writing ideas and playing with the balance of activity.

The idea is to de-risk your financial position, balance your work and your life and stretch yourself into the future.

You don’t have to, but I am here to provoke you.

At least sit down and think about what you are doing and if it aligns with your direction.

Go…do it, now!

Print it out, put it in your pocket and carry it around. Pop in your ideas!

(The downloadable is in the link, right below the video.
If you want to, you can also watch the video to understand better how to use it!)


This week I ate my own dog food!

Haha… doing the Portfolio Career Workshop and offering the course…

It is so new to me that I was scared and nervous and doubtful.

Like I always say, as adults we get scared of new things cos we don’t like to fail or look stupid and bit by bit we lose our adaptability and start hating change!…

So what I did this week was definitely new for me, I felt incredibly vulnerable and nervous, but, thanks to the team I pushed through!



Well, don’t throw it if you can upcycle, recycle or give it away…

But! the point is, LET GO.

Things you own, activities you should stop doing, boards you are in, committees you belong to.

It’s one of the hardest things to do in life, yet without stopping something it’s hard to start new things… so MAKE SOME SPACE in your life ;-)

Let me know how it goes.

See you next week!



My recommendations:

As I mentioned above, this week I hosted a free Career Portfolio get-together and it went great! (check some testimonials below)

I’ve uploaded the FULL 1 HOUR RECORDING to this link and encourage all of you to check it out!

Let me know if you like it, please!! Just hit REPLY and share your thoughts.

These are some of the comments from the people who joined:


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