ADAPT #22 - uplifted transgenic animals

By Gus Balbontin


When I started this newsletter I promised to provoke you in less than 5 min once a week so that you can stay adaptable and on top of your game!

Before we get started with today’s news, it’s been 21 editions so far… time to get some insights from you (if you just joined, you can check ALL my previous emails clicking HERE)

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What would you like to get MORE of… and LESS?
Any other ideas/suggestions/thoughts?!

I put in a lot of time and effort to try to provoke you, get you to think and act differently and change for the better.
But in this process, I’m learning too!! 

Your feedback helps me. (There’s a provocation here - when was the last time you asked for feedback? Do it!)

Thanks for reading! And thanks for replying back 🙌 🙏

Ps. do you follow me on Instagram?! I’m sharing lots of thoughts and provocations over there as well!!
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Now… Let’s get into today’s news!!



  • Awe: uplifted transgenic animals

  • Deal Flow: from the sun to the ocean to a heart-mimicking device

  • Action: impossible not to do it

  • Personal: thank you Messi!!

  • Trade: the ancient lost art

Read time: 2 min 52 sec


Uplifted transgenic animals are animals we have manipulated in some way to make them smarter (eg rats).

It is technically possible that in the future we could enrich say an elephant or a whale with our own genetic material and make them smarter, perhaps to the point we can communicate and they can self-actualise?!

Holy shit!!!!

Whales manipulating the ocean. farming plancton and doing away with long migrations?
Perhaps even get to trade with us?

That would be an insane movie - who wants to write it with me?


You probably never thought of this, but let me share cos it’s kinda rad. 

The sun sends to Earth a huge amount of energy every day in the form of photons.

These weird things -that have not made up their mind if they want to be a wave or a particle- heat up all the surfaces they hit.

And as these surfaces go up and down in temperature, so does the air above them, agitating and creating wind (my simple way of explaining wind). 

When wind blows on top of the ocean and touches the surface it transfers some of this energy over creating columns of water that start bumping into each other forming waves.

Eventually, these waves crash into shore and convert this energy into sound and vibration and eventually back into heat in some way (so minuscule you can’t tell the water around waves is warmer than calm water :-).   

Anyway, we can capture this energy directly from the sun or when it turns into wind or when it turns into waves with crazy things like point-absorbers, oscillating water columns (OWCs), attenuators, overtopping devices, and Salter’s ducks.

This company in Sweden does it by mimicking how our hearts work!

Curious? Go to their website and get lost in it - it’s cool!

Also watch this video about heart hydraulic pressure 




My son got his first tattoo!!!!

Same as me, the three stars representing Argentina’s 3rd Football World Cup (maybe you call it….soccer?!).

We went home to Argentina for the final and saw the match and celebrated with 2.5 MILLION people on the streets (yes, you read that number properly)

It was a once in a lifetime kinda event to experience social joy at that scale!

Insane - def worthy of a tattoo don’t you think?

Have your kids got them already? 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐


When was the last time you used the ancient value exchange method of bartering?

Ha! I am trying to think about when was my last time… but I cannot recall, which means it’s clearly too long so I need to do it more.

I could exchange tennis lessons, teach people to hold their breath, cook, take photos! 

My son recently taught football to a group of young kids and he negotiated payment in fresh homemade bread and cookies!

So this week - go barter - exchange value the old-fashioned way!

See where it leads you and if it can become a way to build your network! 



When I show people the word, they normally do.

There’s something about the power of the word and how contagious yawning is!

If you haven’t, maybe now you want to but can’t or are trying to fake yawn? (Worse thing ever!)

Haha! Or - what’s happening to my friend Gee right now, she is sitting next to me on the plane and cannot stop yawning cause we talked about it!

Apparently, babies yawn in the womb!! Whattt? Maybe they are bored?

Anyway… see you next week!



My recommendations:

WOOHOO!! Only 3 spots left in the Career Ownership Course (kicking off on March 4th)

The Career Ownership Workshop is a 4 session cohort-based program that my team and I designed for anyone who wants to take control and ownership over their career. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting, or if you are halfway through it.

As I mentioned in the last email, last week I hosted a free Career session and it went great! (check some testimonials below)

We’ve uploaded the FULL 1 HOUR RECORDING to this link and encourage all of you to check it out!

If you want me to guide you, coach you and help you in the process of owning your career, as well as joining our amazing private community, SIGN UP TO THE CAREER OWNERSHIP WORKSHOP HERE

These are some of the comments from the people who joined the get-together:


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🤘🤘🤘 GOOD!

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