ADAPT #24 - this is my obsession

By Gus Balbontin


I promise to provoke you in less than 5 min once a week so that you can stay adaptable and on top of your game!

Let’s go!!


  • Awe: Gus version 6.2

  • Deal Flow: CO2 from limestone

  • Action: Time to read

  • Personal: This is my obsession!

  • Triggered: How hard can it be?!?! 🤬

Read time: 3 min 06 sec


I don’t know if you know this… but every 7 or so years we literally replace almost every cell in our bodies.

I am right now version 6.2 of me.

Actually, that’s not quite right.

There are cells in your brain that can actually outlast you.

Your eye lens cells last your entire life…

Egg cells in females around 50 years…

Heart muscle cells around 40… and some others like the pancreas as little as 12 months.

But the crazy thing is that the “you” you see today… has a few cells you were born with, but the rest is relatively young!

Think of a business and its cells.

What are the cells of a business?
Which ones are replaced fast and which ones take longer to replace?

Good to ponder.


I think I have mentioned to you in previous newsletters that we effectively have three ways to go about reducing CO2 into the atmosphere and we will likely have to use all three:

  • Direct Air Capture: when you literally grab CO2 from the air and put it underground or turn it into products.

  • Point Source Capture: when you put a device right at the place of emission and catch it before it goes into the atmosphere, then you can put it underground or turn it into products.

  • Don’t emit the CO2 in the first place! (This is the harder route we are all madly trying to solve while we do the other two really fast)

Anyway, have a look at Heirloom Carbon (

They crush limestone and cook it to take out the CO2 and store it.

Then they wet the left over Calcium Oxide and create Calcium Hydroxide which then over three days sucks CO2 from the air and turns into Limestone again…. they crush it and cook it…you get the cycle.

Clever huh?


Buy one of these books (ideally read it too):

  • Chasing the Scream

  • Why weren’t we told

  • 1000 Brains

  • Other Minds

  • Behave

(as you can see no referral links and NO, I’m not sponsored by them 😂 …. yet! haha if you know the authors/publishers tell them they’re getting free advertising from me haha!)


So you know I am obsessed with sneakers and I always do my keynotes in a different pair!

So obsessed that my architect built me a sneaker cupboard!!

Here is the story behind my obsession:

I was born with knocked knees and to correct my legs I had to wear those special shoes that came only in black or brown... when I was 13 years old...

Yes, after over a decade of wearing either black or brown, I was able to buy whatever pair of shoes I wanted...

But at that age my family could only really afford one pair of shoes and... nothing fancy really.

By the time I could get say a pair of Air Max 90s, Nike decided to move on and I missed out!

When I was in my late 20s a lot of the sneaker companies decided to re-do a lot of the pairs I couldn’t get as a kid, so I started buying all the classics I missed out on!

And that’s how my collection started growing (which is not massive, it’s just the ones I really wanted and couldn’t have!)

I’m still missing a few pairs but I don’t rush...

I just appreciate the shit out of them and love the fact that I can now get them.

My kids know it is my weak spot so all three have their epic mini collections of kicks! 😂

My first pair of Nikes are now like $1500! Air Pegasus 89 - should have kept them!


What’s with belts at airports???

Far out… surely the x-ray machine makers can do something to ignore the beep coming from a belt?

I can help them with a clue: 100% of the time belts are halfway through a human… just when the legs finish and the torso starts.

And THE BUCKLE, the FUC** beeping buckle is always ALWAYS at the front.

Tell the machine not to beep when it finds this!

See you next week!



My recommendations:

I promise this is my last time promoting the Career Ownership Workshop.

We will be kicking off next Monday (March 4th) and will run for 4 sessions! (PLUS a 1-on-1 with me and Lucas!)

So this is your LAST chance to join!

This is your opportunity to get me to guide you, coach you and help you in the process of owning your career.

(be aware that it might be some time until we open the next cohort, and we’ll definitely be increasing prices to favour our early adopters!)


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