ADAPT #26 - Advice about giving advice (and the model I use!)

By Gus Balbontin


Again I am going to step away from my normal newsletter structure. (What? You don’t know what my normal structure is??? Click here and read my past newsletters and binge on provocation and the discomfort of novelty!)
(oh my god can someone please binge on every newsletter I’ve ever written and then tell me how long it took them and how was it??!! It should be just over 1hr of reading I think).

Sorry, getting distracted.

So, this newsletter I am dedicating to “advice”.

I am going to advise you on how to give and receive advice.

Like we all do, I often seek advice and inevitably give advice.

My kids, my pretty wife, my friends, colleagues, audiences, startups, all give me and take advice from me in some way, shape or form.

Giving advice on stage

When I give advice I always put a caveat:
“My advice is equal parts right and wrong.
Which part is right and which part is wrong is for you to figure out”.

What I mean by this is you must make sure you double-check, get advice from others, see what makes sense and what doesn’t and make up your own mind.

Don’t follow or believe everything I say because it’s half incorrect!

I then add:
“Be careful because when I give advice I sound super confident and correct, but don’t fall for the illusion!
Hahaha, I am 100% sure: 50% is wrong and 50% is right”

Giving advice in the shape of tennis - back in another life I used to coach tennis! Yes!!! I coached for a few years and played for many more - pretty seriously for a while ;-)

So why do I do this?
And why especially with young people or young founders?

I don’t want them to outsource their decision-making to their advisors.

I don’t want them to be lazy and choose to act on the first bit of advice or instruction they get given.

I also don’t want them to have a way to blame someone else… as in: “I did this because I was told to”.

Even if the advice is from a trusted source, and is well intended, you must always triangulate and ensure the final decision to act is yours.

Just because it worked for me, it doesn’t mean it will work for you or under your context and circumstances.

You also have a different make-up, a different way of operating and being, you must adjust the advice and see how it fits with you.

Giving advice in writing ha!

What comes after advice in my experience fits with a little model I use over and over again:


• Awareness - now that you have made me aware of “x”, I am going to check with others and see if “x” is in fact something to consider.

• Willingness - ok, so “x” is something to consider, others think the same so I am willing to do something. I will cross-check potential pathways and see which one works for me

• Action - ready to take action and do something about it. The decision is mine, the consequences are mine too.

If you go from advice to immediate action you run the risk of giving yourself the chance to externalise the decision, to delegate ownership.

Yes, I know your friend, or mum or colleague is trying to help you, but they are as imperfect as you are and therefore sense checking is not a bad idea!

There you go!

Catch yourself giving advice and ensure the person you are giving it to knows that you mean well, but, some of it may be wrong…

And if you are receiving advice, always remember to triangulate it with other sources and own your decision!

Here is the paradox - Maybe this advice is 50% incorrect… don’t know exactly which 50 that is!! hahaha!

Make up your own mind ;-)




P.S. as you can see “Thursday” won the battle! So this newsletter just turned into a Thursday Newsletter!!

P.P.P.S. Give a friend, colleague, family or whoever some GOOD ADVICE and share with them this newsletter!
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My recommendations:

You CANNOT miss this online event series we are organising at Neu21.
Join my business partner and friend, Eduardo Nofuentes at “Culture Can’t Be Fixed”.

Escape a culture of non-stop hustle and prioritise like a pro

Ever felt like trying to change your organisation's culture is like chasing shadows?
You’re not alone! Culture is this elusive and intangible's there but trying to grab hold of it is like trying to catch a cloud with your bare hands. You can’t do it directly, but it can certainly be influenced.

How?'s all about tweaking the right gears within your organisation, what we like to call "The System of Work."

Sounds more complex than what it is, and we're here to demystify it all for you.

Join host Eduardo Nofuentes at our online series where together, we’ll uncover how elements like prioritisation, decision-making, org and team structures, your rhythms of work and the way you navigate change can be sculpted to reflect your desired culture.

We’re kicking off the series on the 11th April, at 8am AEST with ‘Prioritisation and the Busyness Trap’, where we’ll share ways to overcome the lure of being “busy” and instead shift to being impactful, through simple prioritisation habits and practises.

Book your place today for FREE:


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