ADAPT #29 - How To Stay Relevant (and not be replaced by AI)

By Gus Balbontin


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Straight into today’s:

“You’ll never get rid of the problem you are the solution to”

I’m trying to figure out who said this and I am starting to wonder if it was me!
Hahahaha. If someone knows, let me know please??

Anyway, the statement is simple but incredibly profound.

I see the tension, the dissonance in the faces of my audiences when they realise that the proposed solution they’ve just nodded and agreed with, removes the problem they solve… in the process, it renders them irrelevant. 

Quickly their brain begins to find a way to justify why it'll never work. 

If your salary depends on it, it’s likely you will find every reason why it won’t work, but very few if any, reasons why it could actually work. 

You need to fight your instincts and not only identify those problems you solve that could be solved differently but actually try to speed it up or encourage the redundancy. 

The first person who sees this gets an advantage over all the others.

So if you figure out a way to remove that problem, that need, or you can solve it in some other way that doesn’t involve you, you should pursue it.

If it can be automated then it should.

Remember the regulation that protects you, also provides you with a false sense of security.

In the long run, regulation will always follow the cheaper faster better solution, even if it removes you from the equation.  

If you are not working on removing the problem, remember someone else is, and I think your odds of relevance are increased if you are the driver and not the recipient.

Write down all the activities you perform during a week - be as detailed as you can.
Once you have this data, explore patterns and how much of it could be entirely or partially replaced with AI (I’ll be surprised if most of you can’t find at least 50% of the work you do able to be done with AI in the next day 5-10 years).
Then get started, find ways to solve your problems with AI.

Drive irrelevance to stay relevant! 



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My recommendations:

LAST CALL!!! You CANNOT miss this online event series we are organising at Neu21.
Join my business partner and friend, Eduardo Nofuentes at “Culture Can’t Be Fixed”.

Escape a culture of non-stop hustle and prioritise like a pro

Ever felt like trying to change your organisation's culture is like chasing shadows? You’re not alone! Culture is this elusive and intangible's there but trying to grab hold of it is like trying to catch a cloud with your bare hands. You can’t do it directly, but it can certainly be influenced.

How?'s all about tweaking the right gears within your organisation, what we like to call "The System of Work."

Sounds more complex than what it is, and we're here to demystify it all for you.

Join host Eduardo Nofuentes at our online series where together, we’ll uncover how elements like prioritisation, decision-making, org and team structures, your rhythms of work and the way you navigate change can be sculpted to reflect your desired culture.

We’re kicking off the series on the 11th April, at 8am AEST with ‘Prioritisation and the Busyness Trap’, where we’ll share ways to overcome the lure of being “busy” and instead shift to being impactful, through simple prioritisation habits and practises.

Book your place today for FREE HERE!


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