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  • ADAPT #36 - 🤘 How to Overcome the 'Puzzle's Death Valley' (in your career or your business)

ADAPT #36 - 🤘 How to Overcome the 'Puzzle's Death Valley' (in your career or your business)

By Gus Balbontin


Back to the normal structure again because!

If you are wondering what the “other structure is” hahaha - click here and have a look at the past few newsletters - promise it’s worth the click ;-)

Let’s go!


  • Awe: The Puzzle Death Valley

  • Deal Flow: The Solution To Batteries?

  • AI: What AI can do now

  • Personal: I Tried Uploading My Brain To The Cloud

  • Time: Time Is Not Universal

Read time: 4 min 25 sec


I dreamt this graph…

Trying to describe the effort deployed to solve a puzzle and the return you get over time.

As you can see when you start the puzzle it takes little effort and the return is super high, quickly you get to “the edge is done” only to face a significant decline in return and a significant increase in effort…

In other words you try and try and try and the puzzle seems to get nowhere.

Eventually you hit the “puzzle’s death Valley” where it sits there on your kitchen table alone, untouched… until… the accumulation of effort starts yielding amazing returns and you quickly finish it wondering “WTF to do with it now!”

I think CHANGE in your life and in a business follows a similar pattern….

Think about it, think about the motions and effort and return you get and how much your life actually changes your behaviour.

Have a little play tell me what you think!


Recently I have been back on batteries.

Remember super important cos without storage green energy is inconsistent rendering it useless for things that need 24/7 energy.

The best so far humans have come up with is lithium-ion batteries with really good stats all over, but, the only thing that lets them down is that they can catch fire and to make them you need to have really controlled conditions in the factory…

Check this guys out! https://www.alsym.com/ 

Alsym proposes effectively the same, but their batteries are non-flammable and non-toxic.


You know I’ve been deeply exploring AI.

Recently I sat down with Alberto (check him here https://www.albertochierici.com/), super brain with lots of experience and we discussed how close or far we are from Artificial General Intelligence and where can AI really make an impact.

I came up with two little drawings that may simply help you understand.

Human intelligence allows us to perform lots of task, some of them even simultaneously, we can make unlikely connections, and its super flexible.

This general intelligence is what AI can’t do yet (the horizontal capability in the drawing).

What it can do really well, and in some cases better than us, is a specific task.

Say, given millions of cases it can statistically be better at diagnosing a condition… but then, the same AI that diagnosed it cannot talk to the family of the patient to deliver the news and set a plan for treatment.

So, what AI is impacting right now is the specific task, in an almost magical way cos the tasks it’s performing seem incredible, but not the general ability to solve them all.

The same applies to your business or company, AI cannot replace “the company” yet, but it can perform financial tasks, legals tasks, etc really well, in some cases better than humans.

What we need to start doing is playing with the models and quickly enhance our operations, service or product.

The tools of productions are in our hands now, we all have access to them and can more or less get amazing value, so start playing!

Sorry for the interruption.. space for a little ad break.

Ready to Navigate the Puzzle of Your Career Path?

Just like solving a challenging puzzle, career growth involves peaks of quick wins and valleys of hard slogs.

At our Career Rebellion Workshop this June, we'll empower you to harness these changes to not only adapt but thrive.
Whether you're at the "edge is done" stage or stuck in the "puzzle’s death valley," this workshop will help you harness your efforts to achieve amazing returns.

With limited spots, this intimate setting ensures personalised guidance (by me!!) and supported by a community of like-minded peers.


Turns out uploading my brain into the cloud to beam it across the universe is harder than what I thought.

Despite the fact that there are common patterns and structures across brains, the way we store thoughts and memories is idiosyncratic to each brain, so it’s not possible to simply grab those thoughts from one brain and put them on another (biological or artificial) - we would have to first decode them into a standard and then transfer them.

Bummer….the movies seem a little further away than I thought!


You may have heard that time slows down the faster you move.

So we age less when we are on a plane cos we are going faster than the people on the ground! 

When you get on a plane on one of those long hauls (8plus hrs) you land a ~ten millionth of a second behind the clocks on the ground.

I’ve calculated that over the last 2 decades I aged 2 seconds less than pretty wife - she is on a slightly different timeline than me now by 2 seconds! 

Remember time is not universal we all experience it different.

Here comes a counter to speed, the further away from the gravitational pull of the earth you do, the faster time passes. So you are moving fast on the plane but further away from earth!

Maybe this mitigates the 2 second advantage I gained on my pretty wife! hahaha!

Therefore, your head is older than your feet - cos your feet experience time passing slower as they are closer to the earth than your head!



My recommendations:

Earlier this year we ran our first group of our Career Rebellion program.

And you know what?

9 amazing humans graduated and are now building and evolving their portfolio careers.

And you know what else?


Check out some of their feedback:

Thank you for the energy you brought to the Career Workshop. I've gained from it in more ways than just my career, and I'm grateful for the thought and care that went into the programme.

The Career Portfolio workshop has provided clear actions to change course and build the career (and lifestyle) I would like. It has given me the confidence to believe that I can make the needed change. Since the workshop ended, I have taken three small actions and feel comfortable that the Simple, Small, Now approach will get me to where I want to be while stopping to smell the roses.

— Heidi

Gus, thank you for your passion, time, wisdom and authenticity.
Participating in a group forum added a tremendous amount of value and education. It's impact at this early stage can only be measured by means of the workshop sessions and learnings attained - the real work starts now in applying those learnings (which has begun).
The younger me could have benefited doing this course in my late 20's or early 30's. I genuinely feel that I missed the boat and now I'm correcting the steer with what I can do now both professionally and in personal like.

— Nick

Useful framework, easy to follow and makes total sense.
It’s for anyone who feel stuck / plateau or in my case when I didn’t feel fire in my belt.

— Ching

Would absolutely recommend. It's been a great help. I think the principles can be applied at any stage of a career. It teaches you how to set pathways and make decisions based on goals, desires, and needs. The vague goals actually turned out to be the clarifier for me. It made me sit down and actually think about what I want in my career stage.

— Craig

The next group kicks off in JUNE, this is the calendar:

Session 1 (Kick Off) - Tuesday 11th  June

Session 2 - Friday 14th  June

Session 3 - Friday 21st  June

Session 4 - Friday 28th  June

PLUS a 1 HOUR 1-on-1 coaching session with me!

Oh… and more testimonials:



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