ADAPT #6 - magical creatures that ingest superpowers

By Gus Balbontin


I promise to provoke you in less than 5 min once a week :-)
Stay adaptable and on top of your game!

Let´s go!


  • Awe: you won’t believe these creatures exist

  • Deal Flow: 3D printing houses

  • Action: have you ever done it?

  • Personal: reusing succulents

  • Thanks: just gratitude

Read time: 3 min 07 sec


Crazy creature. Photo by me (underwater)

A couple of years ago in my pursuit of novelty, I started doing some basic underwater photography.

I did the typical buy-a-go-pro-and-play, but, as I found more amazing, darker, more complex takes to make, I started upgrading my gear.

Eventually, I came across these magical creatures I now gladly have in my life and I am about to gift you and make you happy. You are welcome ;-)

They are called Nudibranchs, they are effectively a sea slug with lungs that sit outside their bodies, eyes that can see and smell at the same time and the ability to ingest superpowers - imagine eating a poisonous animal and becoming poisonous or eating a plant and using its chlorophyll to get energy from the sun….insane!

Here are a couple of my pictures :-)

Go follow @nono_diver one of my fave nudibranch underwater photographers!

Now you know this is a nudibranch! Photo by me.


Access to shelter sits at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Housing as we know is a global issue.

These founders with the most incredible robotics and business experience decided to fix the problem in true scientific style by starting from first principles.

Their solution?
Don’t prefab a house in a factory and then transport it to the site. Take the factory to the site instead.

Diamond Age 3D builds a frame above the site to which you attach a moving arm and a number of different robotic tools (from building wall robots to painting to cutting to electrical wiring).

The result?
You can build houses faster and cheaper and do it on multiple sites simultaneously sharing robotic tools across multiple projects.

Check them out they are soo cool!


This week your challenge is to make pasta from scratch!

I’m lucky I grew up in a family where gnocchi and pasta were regularly made from scratch, so I got to learn by watching my mum and dad do it.

These days not only I make fresh pasta, but my three kids can do it entirely on their own.

It is sooo easy and so tasty!

Here are some pictures of the process.

Let’s play a little game: if you refer this newsletter to a friend, colleague, family or anyone who you might find this of value, I’ll send you a guide with the step-by-step instructions for you to follow and cook your own pasta :-)



As I told you before in one of my previous newsletters, my kids are always looking for problems that are worth solving.

My little one, Bastian, realised that a lot of the succulents in our garden break easily and get thrown in the green bin...

“What can I do with pretty plants that grow easily and never die?“
I know! Put them in a pot and go to the park to sell them!

He started his little business almost a year ago and you see him often in the park with his Square pay playing football and selling plants.

How rad is that?!


This is newsletter number 6!

Thank you…thank you for all the messages and support and for encouraging me to keep doing it! Let’s keep going!

Please keep sharing your thoughts and puzzles and encouragement it counts! xx

My recommendations:

I’m still sharing with you the amazing crew at who will help you make work not suck!

So if you need help in your organisation ping me, ping them!

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