ADAPT #4 - I had to wait 25 years for this

By Gus Balbontin


I promise to provoke you in less than 5 min once a week :-)
Stay adaptable and on top of your game!

Let´s go!


  • Awe: knowledge management: what organisations can learn from the human brain

  • Deal Flow: do you know how much CO2 your organisation emits?

  • Action: when was the last time you did this?

  • Personal: I had to wait 25 years for this

  • Toy: back to the roots

Read time: 3 min 54 sec

BEFORE WE START: the question of the week!

Hey thanks for sharing your questions (keep’em coming!)

Please send me topics, problems, challenges you are facing at work (startup or corporate), opportunities you think we all need to think about and I will weave them into my newsletters.

Simply reply to this email! And check in next Friday to see if yours was chosen to be featured!

This week we selected one from Tim:

We have teams that are virtual and so we want to really make them high-performing in a practical way, with no bull, just plain, 'let's make it work' stuff so what are the three first steps we should take or be thinking about?

My view on high performance is a little different after working with the red bull 888 team and Ducati and Google and my own teams.
I have a slightly counter view - I’ll put in on one of the newsletters coming up - but let me give you 5 key pillars you can sit down with the team and work on:

  • Spontaneous Care

  • Assumed Trust

  • Genuine Admiration

  • Conscious Respect

  • Common Goal

I’ll share more about this soon!

Thanks Tim!
Now let’s dive into today’s newsletter 🤘


Let’s stick to 1000 Brains by Jeff Hawkins cos I just looove the book.

Get this: knowledge in the brain is stored across a subset of thousands of cortical columns.
This means knowledge is distributed.
It’s not everywhere, but nothing you know is in a specific place in your brain.

This powerful model the brain uses helps with elasticity, redundancy, safety and more.
Interestingly if you think about it, it also occurs in humankind outside of our brains.

Think about it, in hunter gathering times, knowledge of water holes was distributed across the group.
In organisations, knowledge is often distributed across a number of individuals.

And think about this: you don’t want the knowledge across every single person in the organisation, but you equally don’t want it with a single person.

Where else does this happen? Sport? Family?
Have a think and tell me!


I have a small stake in this business, so inevitably I am biased!

But they are not unique and I just want to draw your attention to the importance of these types of businesses.

Effectively, Trace helps you figure out the emissions of your business activity and once quantified, you can offset them with programs and initiatives that counter your impact.

Let’s make it simple: your business emits 1 ton of CO2 per year into the atmosphere, which has a “price” in the market. You pay that price at the end of the year and that money gets distributed to a program that captures and sequesters 1 ton of CO2 per year.
So effectively your business ends up neutral.

It’s not perfect as you can imagine… this could potentially incentivise a business to continue to pollute and just “pay” for neutrality.
But! It is a start, and until we can unpick ourselves out of the puzzle we are in this is an important step to take.

If you want to know what your business activities emit and want to do something about it go check 


When was the last time you played a board game?

When was the last time you bought one?

They are crazy good these days and some crazy complex!

Go buy a new one, or get one out of the attic you haven’t played in a while, and give it a crack this weekend!


Two of my childhood friends are about to arrive from Argentina to spend three weeks with me here in Australia.

I left my little Patagonian town in the late 90s and although I have been back many times and kept in touch with them along the way, I have seen their lives but they’ve never seen mine.
They have only heard recounts I have given them.

Twenty five years is a long time, and finally, I get to show them around the town I chose to be home. They can meet my dog, they can have the coffee I have and talk so much about, they can surf the beaches with squeaky sand and perhaps even see the school I came to when I was 17 and I said goodbye to my mates.


What’s a toy you used to love when you were little?

You know… the ones you used to spend hours playing with.

It’s likely that you can buy either the actual vintage one online or new versions or replicas of them -

One of my favourites was the Masters of the Universe cartoons and toys.
He-man was my hero, not only he was the strongest man in the universe, but he was also so kind and empathetic and understanding - even with his arch enemy Skeletor…

I still have my collection from the 90s and have bought dozens of new ones.

Pretty wife does not appreciate my display at home as much as I do, but they bring me joy and happiness!

Go find your childhood toy and reconnect with your inner kid :-)

Photo with Skeletor and my Masters of the Universe collection.

My recommendations:

I’m still sharing with you the amazing crew at who will help you make work not suck!

So if you need help in your organisation ping me, ping them!

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