Career RETRO

Hey there!

This is Lucas, from Gus’ team.

I’ve got 2 things for you today: an announcement and an exercise you should ALL do!!

1) An exercise you should all do: THE RETRO CAREER MODEL

This model will help you:

• Highlight your most impactful career moments.
• Identify any patterns or lessons learned.
• Learn how you’ve navigated changes and what strategies worked for you.

Here’s how it works:

1. Create Your Model:

You can get as creative as you like!
Sketch it out by hand, use a digital tool, or simply jot down your thoughts.
The aim is to map out your career over the past 10 years (or more if you want!).
Consider job changes, project involvements, salary adjustments, and any other significant milestones.

2. Reflect Deeply: Look at your model and think about:  

What Worked: Identify the moves and decisions that positively impacted your career.
What Didn’t: Acknowledge the challenges or missteps and what you learned from them.
Potential Blockers: Be honest about any obstacles that may have hindered your progress. This could even be personal traits or habits.

Gus’ pro-tip: if you feel like drawing a map type picture - like a journey with destinations and milestones and so on that would be rad!

Try it out and let us know how it goes!!!

2) Announcement:

This is your LAST chance to join Gus’ CAREER OWNERSHIP WORKSHOP which will kick off next Monday 4th of March!

This is your opportunity to get Gus to guide you, coach you and help you in the process of owning your career.

(be aware that it might be some time until we open the next cohort, and we’ll definitely be increasing prices to favour our early adopters!)



Ps. feel free to send us your Retro Career Model!!