Rebellious Thoughts #42 - 🤘 Trust Can Make or Break Your Business

PLUS: Haldane's rule, AI coworkers, the Power of Loved Ones, and more...

By Gus Balbontin

Hey Rebels!

As always, I promise to provoke you in less than 5 min once a week so that you can stay adaptable and on top of your game!

Let’s go!


  • Awe: Haldane’s rule

  • Deal Flow: do you have AI coworkers already?

  • Action: Hazlo!

  • Personal: Find that loved one

  • Trust: Assume trust

Read time: 3 min 21 sec


Was reading a piece on Haldane’s rule of the right size, and how it connects so well with businesses and corporations.

The easiest way to understand this is by thinking of a sphere.

As it increases in size, the surface on the outside grows slower than the volume on the inside.

So an insect has little volume in comparison to its surface, therefore it survives better in super hot humid environments but doesn’t do very well in the Arctic.

Think of us needing complex systems like lungs and circulation to move around oxygen, insects don’t. Or small birds vs big birds, one flaps madly the other can soar.

So, everything has a “right size” - even organisations… sometimes you are too big to succeed or incorrectly sized for the market you are chasing.

Think of countries, the only reason why we have huge countries is because we managed to find a way through representative government.

From Wikipedia: “In the Greek type of democracy all the citizens could listen to a series of orators and vote directly on questions of legislation. Hence their philosophers held that a small city was the largest possible democratic state…”

Is this what we are partly struggling with right now as societies?

Our scale relative to our systems are at odds.

In other words, systems built to handle a scale much smaller than the global aspirations we have.


I mentioned to my team that soon enough, we will have AI built specifically to job descriptions - literally find a job ad, build a bot, apply, deploy.

Check these guys out 

I love their tagline “grow your business, not your payroll!”

Literally you can hire Sid, Fila, Eleni, to help you with sales, content, admin, strategy, social media and more!

The cleverest thing for me is the way it’s priced… $20/month gets your 3 team members, $67/month gets you 12!

Have a play!


As you all probably know… I speak Spanish.

It’s always a good opportunity to remember Argentina is still the World Champion!

English is my second language.
And then I can get away fairly well with Portuguese and Italian.

I’ve been playing a bit with language and AI… check this so if you are considering a language or are half decent or out of practise, perhaps worth playing with it!

ChatGPT has a conversation function so fire it up and play!

Speak in another language with an AI bot (such as ChatGPT voice chat). Even if you don’t know a second language, ask it to start teaching you through an out-loud, verbal conversation.


Quick update on my fitness…

I told you a few weeks ago that I was struggling with motivation.

I trained for almost 10 years obsessively, like every day.

If I was on a plane, in a hotel, at the gym or at home I would make sure I got fit in every day training.

But around this time last year, I had a big scare while I was running a half marathon and the setback was significant.

A few months ago I asked my friend Jenno to help me, to inspire me and encourage me to train with him… and bit by bit, text by text, session by session I am slowly catching the bug again.

It’s important to lean on loved ones and verbalise the help you need.


I often reflect on trust and how in business we instinctively follow the expected path of “earned” trust and not the seemingly riskier “assumed” path.

If you assume trust, you risk the task agreed upon or how it needs to be achieved is not done the way it should or you expect?

If you earn your trust slowly, you risk wasting the best of an autonomous adult’s time, making them second guess and delegate rather than own their actions.

I like to think that what you trust 100% is that they will fail and recover.

Trusting they won’t fail is a mistake.

Trying to avoid failure is what drives the slower earned path… but the truth is that taking 3-4-5 months interviewing someone to see if you can trust them only to hire them and force them to earn your trust is kinda backwards!

Who are you not trusting 100% that has become dependent on you or the business and could be performing much better if they were instead trusted 100%?



P.S. Wonder what I even do in “real life”?

1/ Co-founder and Director at Neu21.
We combine creativity, innovation and insight to create unstoppable organisations and products customers love. Book a Discovery call to learn how we can help your organisation

2/ I coach 7 & 8 figure professionals and help them design their dream lives Book a 1-1 Coaching session with Gus

3/ Join our Career Rebellion Group 3 Waiting List!
4 sessions to bring a thoughtful revolution to your career and your life.

4/ I’m soon starting a series of monthly talks, the Rebellious Talks.
Join me for some unfiltered rants.
Want to be a part of this?
Sign up here.

My recommendations:

The CULTURE CAN’T BE FIXED event series is coming to an end.
But we still got a juicy one for our last session!!

Innovating Culture: AI’s Influence on Making Work Better for a New World

AI is not the enemy of culture, it is an ally.

Discover how AI can help you build a thriving culture.

Hear from industry leaders like Ben Hogan, who will share insights on AI's role in fostering innovation;

Hannah Gee, who'll passionately share her belief in retaining humanness at work, and;

Gus Balbontin, who will provide a visionary perspective on the future of AI in the workplace.

Don’t miss out on this chance to see how AI can innovate your workplace culture.

Join us and be part of the conversation that’s paving the way for a brighter, more collaborative future!


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