Rebellious Thoughts #48 - 🤘 The Secret to Success

By Gus Balbontin

Hey Rebels!

As always, I promise to provoke you in less than 5 min once a week so that you can stay adaptable and on top of your game.


Let’s get into today’s:

I regularly “Mr Miyagi” my kids with a lesson that perhaps is worth expanding on and sharing more broadly.

As you know from reading some of my previous newsletters, I think valuing time correctly and deploying it accordingly is one of life’s greatest challenges.

To learn the art of valuing and deploying time, you first need to have options to choose from, to make mistakes with, to compare, to iterate, reflect and learn.

May seem obvious but often forgotten that you are responsible for the choice you make, but more importantly the options you create for yourself before you choose.

When I hear “I had no choice” to me it sounds a little passive.

I think immediately there was not enough time invested in creating the options to make other choices in the first place.
Invest time creating as many options as you can and keep them open for as long as possible, always.

Being obligated, consciously, sucks. But subconscious obligation actually sucks more.

You don’t even realise it’s happening to you. And when you do become aware, you feel the “I had no choice” feel!

The only way to fight this is with alternatives.

Ideally not the last minute type of alternative, you know the one you create after the event.

What you want are alternatives, options, you have been working on consistently and maintaining for a while.

If you do this your future doesn’t happen to you and instead, you happen to it.

If you keep doing the same thing no new options are available to you and your future is more or less pre-determined. Subconsciously obligated.

This happens to businesses too!

It’s easier to take leaps when you know you have some landing options.
(jumping in with the kids into this frickin’ awesome pool!)

Simple examples I give the kids all the time:

  • If you learn to play a musical instrument you now have the choice of exploring the world of music and performance - if you never expose yourself to it the option does not exist for you.

  • If you learn to cook, the world of food opens up and you can explore cuisines, techniques, and delighting others with your cooking. If you never learn to cook you’ll never have this choice.

  • If you learn to dive, the underwater world suddenly becomes accessible and sensations and experiences you’ve never had before all of a sudden become real.

  • If you learn to train and use AI you now have the option of solving a problem in a way you previously couldn’t.

  • Etc etc etc

Options increase your odds of success. 

Whatever your definition of success is, it makes no difference.
More options equals more chances of you learning to make the right choice, to have perspective, comparative alternatives.

Even if you choose wrong you will reflect and get a chance to choose again cos you have options.

Success within tight boundaries, with little option, is harder because the path is narrowly predefined.

That’s why I am always banging on looking for jobs all the time and having side hustles and building a Portfolio Career of activities - so you have more options and therefore can make better choices.
(here’s a free 1-hour workshop recording I did on the Portfolio Career Model)

Can you add more options to your life in the next 12 months by learning new skills? By exposing yourself more? By exploring new territories?

Do more than you are supposed to. Always.



P.S. Okay. It’s happening.
The first Rebellious Thought Session is taking place on September 3rd at lunchtime AEST!
If you previously signed up, you’ll soon receive the calendar invite with the link in your email.

If you haven’t signed up yet, the Rebellious Thought Sessions is a series of FREE monthly talks where I’ll free flow, share radical ideas and more!
If you want to be part of it SIGN UP HERE! 

P.S.S. Wonder what I even do in “real life”?

1/ Co-founder and Director at Neu21.
We combine creativity, innovation and insight to create unstoppable organisations and products customers love. Book a Discovery call to learn how we can help your organisation

2/ I coach high-performing professionals and execs and help them take it to the next level. Book a 1-1 Coaching session with Gus

3/ Join our Career Rebellion Group 3 Waiting List!
A workshop of 4 sessions to bring a thoughtful revolution to your career and your life.


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