ADAPT #17 - How To Win 2024

By Gus Balbontin


Hey before I get going, the people that have responded to me re their careers, I will contact you directly with some further thinking and info!

Not too late to sign up if you are interested in taking more ownership and a different approach to your career (just reply to this email with “CAREER OWNERSHIP” to learn more).

Let´s go!


  • Awe: the efficiency of energy

  • Deal Flow: printed wheelchairs

  • Action: how to win 2024

  • Personal: the best gift for your kids

  • Taste: a special beverage from home

Read time: 3 min 11 sec


So, you know I am a little obsessed with energy, and I don’t claim to understand it perfectly but it does blow my mind.

From Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark:

Einstein taught us that if we can convert mass to energy at 100% efficiency we would need very little to get huge amounts of energy.

E=mc2 (c is the speed of light….and …its’s such a huge number that a tiny bit of mass becomes a huge amount of energy when you multiply it!)

So… for example… our bodies turn mass into energy when we digest food, but we are soooo inefficient (0.00000001%) that we have to eat all the time to get enough…

If our stomachs were 0.001% efficient we would eat a meal once, and have energy for the rest of our lives!


…but get this, burning coal and burning car fuel are only 0.00000003% and 0.00000005% efficient respectively…. not a HUGE amount better than our stomachs.

Turns out Nuclear Fission (breaking atoms) is the best efficiency we managed to achieve as humans (0.08%)

When we get to Nuclear Fusion (joining atoms) we will get to 0.7% which would be awesome… but to get anywhere near the physics limits that Einstein taught us we need Spinning Black Hole Engines, or a Dyson sphere around a Quasar or use Black Hole Evaporation…. way beyond me at this stage!


Got to spend a bunch of time recently with Ryan who is one of the co-founders of ROVE wheelchairs, a startup I am invested in and I LOOOOOOVE….

This is the best tech, design, purpose and team blended together to provide the most epic UX a wheelchair user can get!

The product they create is genuinely beautiful.

I went to the factory the other day and got to play with a titanium 3D printer…

Yep titanium dust and lasers and argon gas and cool shit like that.

Check them out here and follow them on insta @rovewheelchairs


If you are thinking of an end of the year goal to do with habits, like exercise or food or water intake or alcohol or anything really that requires some level of regularity, remember the hard bit is not WHAT you do at the beginning but actually turning up to do it.

In other words, it’s better for you to do 5 squats a day every day at 7am, and do that for 3 months straight, than coming up with a massive gym plan that is too big or complex to achieve.

In 2024, all you have to do to achieve anything is: focus on simply TURNING UP, the rest will take care of itself.


This Xmas we are trying to buy memories instead of things for the kids - like a music event or a trip or theatre or something that will imprint a memory in our kids’ minds.

I can’t tell you which one we bought this year cos my kids read the newsletter!!!

Hahaha kids you’ll soon find out!



Have you ever had Mate? 🧉?

If you haven’t you should.

And if you have you should again.

And if you have it all the time then keep going!

It’s a tea kinda drink Argentineans and Uruguayans (and a few others around Latin America) drink every day multiple times a day.

Buying the stuff, learning to make it and drinking it is relatively easy.

Understanding the cultural significance and appreciating the true meaning of sharing and caring and connection that comes with it is a little harder.

But you have to start somewhere!

So go here to buy and learn the steps to make this epic drink :-)

(send me a pic if you do it, please?)

Sharing Mate with my mates in Byron Bay!


This will be the last email of 2023 and we’ll be back on Friday 12th of January 2024 with more ADAPT Newsletter!!

Thank you SO MUCH to all of you for the love and support you gave me this year.

Have a great break, see you next year!!



My recommendations:


Yes, I know these guys do it slowly and manually, but I love them and it’s important we symbolically keep planting trees, and it sends a message.

We find a way every year to try to help the crew at 15trees and I think you should too! Buy some trees, do it.

Check out:

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