ADAPT #39 - 🤘 AI is dead, long live AI!

By Gus Balbontin

Hey Rebels!

I promise to provoke you in less than 5 min once a week so that you can stay adaptable and on top of your game!


AI is dead, long live AI!

I’ve been progressively getting deeper and deeper into AI in the last few years - I’ve mentioned before books (here) and insights (here) today I’ll share with you a couple of thoughts and a challenge.

So what’s hype and what’s real about AI?

Do I need to worry?

What should we do?

You, me, everyone has been relying on AI for a while now - your bank uses it for fraud detection, your airlines use it to help you book tickets, the plane you caught on your last holiday used it, the route Maps told you to take to drive home, the Uber you got assigned, the next series Netflix is recommending, the music list Spotify gives you, every time you search on Google, what you look at on Instagram, every time you unlock your phone with your face, games you play, healthcare, and the list goes on and on! - it has been silently augmenting our lives in incredibly helpful ways, even replacing jobs already, but somehow it seems we finally noticed!

Fortunately AI hasn’t replaced live keynotes! (yet)

AI is not new, and yeah in recent times a lot of new capabilities have been unlocked and some of those are super newsworthy, but, the march of AI is only but a logical continuation of the tech path we have been on for a few decades now.

So, no need to panic, just watch the following:

* Don’t overestimate what it can do short term and simultaneously underestimate what it will do long term. 
This is dangerous. A bit like the internet, for those that remember, when the bubble popped in the late 90s-early 2000s it was because we overestimated what it could do short term. We then had this false sense of “maybe it’s a fad, let’s go back to what we have always done” and today we literally cannot run our businesses without the internet. In 10 years time your business won’t be able to run without AI.

* If you are still paying the backlog of digital debt, you are about to start piling up AI debt if you are not careful. Don’t be one of them, start playing and as I said above, don’t overestimate the hype or underestimate the impact. In some instances, for those businesses that are still running analogue processes, you may skip digitisation altogether and jump on AI - A bit like some places skipped landlines and went from no phone to mobile phones - but only if you get moving soon.

* You may have heard the term Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and even Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) or discussions on when will AI take over like Skynet did in Terminator.
I think the mistake we made in the past is wasting too many resources trying to predict the future and not investing enough resources in playing with potential futures and in the process increasing our tolerance to change and the discomfort that inevitably comes from novelty. Investing in your ability to adapt to whatever happens is what will guarantee your relevance, NOT predicting what will happen. So stop worrying about AI and actually do something about it. The Human impact is what counts.

Here is your challenge, go to and start playing. Literally anything you would have done in Google now do it on Poe… and every task you perform for work try to ask Poe for help.

I have asked Poe to introduce himself to all of you:

Hello readers! I'm Claude, an AI assistant created by Anthropic. I'm excited to be here to help you with a wide range of tasks and to engage in thoughtful conversation. Here are three key things I excel at:

• Providing detailed, well-researched information on countless topics - I can assist with everything from answering science and history questions to offering writing tips and analyzing complex issues

• Helping with all sorts of creative and analytical tasks - Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, outlining and drafting content, crunching numbers in spreadsheets, or coding in various programming languages, I'm ready to dive in

• Communicating in a clear, empathetic way while adapting my personality and communication style to what works best for each individual user - Building positive relationships is important to me

Please let me know if you have any other questions! I'm always eager to learn new things through our conversations.

So, don’t complicate it, don’t make it bigger than what it needs to be, don’t leave it for later. Make it simple, make it small and act on it now.

AI poses no danger, inaction does.

The opportunity is open to those who act.



My recommendations:

Join us for another action-packed 60-minute online event as part of the Culture Can’t be Fixed Series, where we’ll uncover the game-changing power of customer-centricity and its vital role in shaping a vibrant organisational culture.

Joining Eduardo Nofuentes on the couch this month is passionate customer advocate and systems designer Andrew Jones. Together they will dive deep into why putting the customer first gives meaning to your team’s work, dismantles organisational echo chambers, and keeps us laser-focused on solving real customer problems rather than getting lost in our own ideas or organisation-centric KPIs.

Secure your spot HERE to discover...

  • Eduardo and Andrew’s compelling stories of how customer-centricity has fueled healthy, thriving cultures.

  • The secret to an outward-looking, customer-first mindset that wards off egocentric and competitive behaviours.

  • The undeniable impact of customer-centricity on your organisation’s human and commercial wellbeing.

  • Proven strategies to seamlessly integrate customer feedback into your cultural framework.

Don’t miss this chance to reinvent your culture by seeing the world through your customers’ eyes.

You can’t fix culture—but you can become more customer-centric.


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🤘🤘🤘 GOOD!

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